Friday, December 12, 2014

Classwork in the Halls

Here is some of the classwork that hangs in our 7th and 8th grade hallways! Some of the work is ELA work, some is Family and Consumer Sciences. Students in 8th grade had to research a country and create a proposal for a restaurant in Marcellus that would match the culture of the country they researched.  The Reef was the winning restaurant! In ELA, students were pulling "flashpoints" from their reading and stating claims to support those points.  The top posters show work from the history of Marcellus. The posters were a piece of the Project Based Learning students did about the community of Marcellus. They wrote biographies about community members or people connected to the history of Marcellus and then worked in groups to create the posters using their biographies and other work we did to present a theme about the community.

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